T-ball players needed
The Nobu Yamauchi RBI Organization is looking for boys and girls who will be between the ages of 4-6 in 2022 year to form a t-ball team.
For more information, contact Wayne Yamauchi at 895-9696 or yamauchiw002@hawaii.rr.com.
Free infielders clinic
The inaugural Jimmy Correa Memorial infield camp, led by San Francisco Giants bench coach Kainoa Correa, will be held Tuesday, Dec. 28 at Edith Kanakaole Multipurpose stadium for grades 2 to 5 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., grades 6 to 8 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and grades 9 to 12 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registration fee is free for Big Island residents. For more information, hit up Correa at Twitter at @ThatGuy_Kai
Waiakea seeks coaches
Waiakea High seeks a head boys volleyball coach and head girls water polo coach for the upcoming spring season.
Coaching applications can be picked up from the school’s main office, or contact athletic director Tom Correa at 808-974-4830 or Thomas.correa@k12.hi.us
The deadline to apply is Wednesday. All coaches are subject to a DOE background check prior to hiring.
Parker seeks coaches
Parker School seeks an assistant boys soccer coach for the winter season and a head boys volleyball coach for the spring – as well as head and assistant coaches for the tennis.
For more information, email AD Greg Dunigan at gdunigan@parkerschoolhawaii.org.