The beauty and
grace of Kilauea
Kilauea always displays such beauty and brilliance in the sky.
Dancing and rejoicing with more than pride, as she showers high.
There is no denial of the power and majestic elegance that she reigns.
As she stands tall with the strength of her ancestors souring mighty through her veins.
We marvel as we look upon her beauty, with awe from within our souls.
For much respect is given to her as we beckon to her from the fire she rolls.
She deserves no less than the admiration we give as she showers us with even more.
We will always cherish these moments with her as we watch from the distant shore.
We’ve watched her dance upon this place and sing from her depths within.
You stand for freedom, family and love.
With approval and guidance from above.
She’s a sight to behold with her bountiful Hawaiian elegant dance.
You’ll never see more grace displayed, than when she takes her fiery stance.
Janice Gray-Suggs
Please reschedule
General Plan meetings
The county’s General Plan 2045 is something many residents haven’t even heard about — and it’s not surprising.
Despite being a major policy document, only a small portion of the project budget was spent on advertising.
For those who are aware of it, the plan has proven unpopular, with several hundred residents in the past year of hearings voicing concerns that it doesn’t reflect community goals and values.
Adding to the problem is the fact that many public meetings about the plan have been held during working hours, making it difficult for most people to attend.
It’s clear that more of the public should be engaged in this process. The Planning Department and planning commissioners have an obligation under the “Sunshine Law” to reschedule the two remaining hearings to 5 p.m. so that people can attend and provide their mana‘o.
Hawaii Island residents deserve a government that works to include them in important decisions, not one that makes it harder to be heard.
Claudia Schimmer-Keawe