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Twelve cases of the omicron variant of the novel coronavirus have been detected on Oahu, the state Department of Heath announced this afternoon.

“Most of the infected individuals have no known connection with one another. This indicates the Omicron variant is spreading deeper into our communities,” State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble said in a statement.


“People who have tested positive should isolate themselves,” she said. “Close contacts and people with symptoms should get tested, regardless of vaccination status.”

The DOH is investigating four COVID-19 cases among patrons of the Scarlet Honolulu nightclub on Pauahi Street. Samples from two of these individuals exhibit a molecular clue indicating the possible presence of the omicron variant.

All patrons who visited Scarlet Honolulu since Dec. 3 are advised to get tested.

Scarlet Honolulu has been proactive by requiring all its patrons to be vaccinated, according to the DOH.

The omicron variant is exhibiting traits indicating it is even more transmissible than the delta variant, the DOH said.

COVID-19 vaccines and boosters appear to slow the spread of the omicron variant and are effective in preventing severe illness. People are advised to wear face masks and avoid large crowds.

Anyone contacted by a case investigator from DOH is asked to please cooperate in an effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Anyone with symptoms is asked to get tested and avoid other people.

Information on free testing and vaccines is available at