Tropical Gardening: It’s time to rethink Valentine’s Day

Photo courtesy of Voltaire Moise Anthurium plants are available in a wide range of sizes and colors for Valentine's gifts. They may be enjoyed as houseplants and garden displays to be enjoyed for years.

Whoops! Valentine’s Day is Monday. Luckily we have the weekend to prepare. You might consider jewelry or a fancy dinner at a local restaurant, but with today’s economy it might be better to be a bit conservative. Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate our love for spouses, friends and family, but most folks don’t know about the dark origins of this holiday as its history is shrouded in mystery. It appears to have started with the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. Of course, they borrowed it from even earlier pagans. At any rate, before it became a Christian holiday, men sacrificed goats or dogs and then whipped the women with the hides of slain animals. This was supposed to enhance fertility! According to some historians, there was lots of drinking and nakedness. A lottery was often included where men would pull women’s names from a jar for the temporary match. Some matches lasted and some were one night stands. The result was almost certain fertility! Fifty Shades of Grey doesn’t hold a candle to those days.