Tropical Gardening: You are in trouble if you forget your valentine

Photo courtesy of Voltaire Moise There are hundreds of species and varieties of anthurium. This is Anthurium cupulispathum with leaves 6-feet across from the jungles of Central America. Although rare in Hawaii, there are examples in botanical and private gardens.

Valentine’s Day is just upon us so it is important to tell your loved ones how much you care. Shopping for gifts during the pandemic is limiting our options. On the high end, some consider diamonds and on the low end, a cheap box of candy. Here in the islands, we have a living option that can be enjoyed for years without destroying our bank accounts or adding more pounds on what we weighed before the lockdown. Shopping at our local garden stores gives us plenty of room for fresh air and limited exposure to COVID-19. There are many plants that are perfect gifts at this time. The first ones that come to mind are anthuriums and orchids, but you may want to consider succulents and bromeliads for loved ones who may have slightly brown thumbs. However, don’t give a cactus or it might be misinterpreted as a negative. For those who have some room in the garden, consider fruit trees that can supply food for years to come, or a beautiful clumping bamboo. There are over 100 bamboos species grown in Hawaii from which to choose. If you use your imagination, the sky is the limit.