Ready, set, roll: Summer camp introduces kids to a variety of games

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Ahmed El Shahiny puts down a move for his car to make while learning to play a game with other keiki earlier this month at Gam3Escape in Hilo.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Drew Iverson, left, explains a portion of a game to Cadence earlier this month at Gam3Escape in Hilo.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Logan Lamb moves his car as he plays a game with other keiki earlier this month at Gam3Escape in Hilo.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Three Smith rolls the dice to see how she will move her car on the map while learning to play a game on June 14 at Gam3Escape in Hilo.

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Mohamed El Shahiny smiles while rolling the dice during a game earlier this month at Gam3Escape in Hilo.

Seven-year-old Ahmed El Shahiny drove a heavily-armed race car to victory Wednesday, narrowly avoiding enemy gunfire and fiery obstacles at an unusual summer camp in Hilo.