Regarding Honua Ola
Tuesday’s paper (April 27) had a letter asking many questions about Honua Ola (formerly Hu Honua), which I’d like to briefly answer.
Most of the questions ask, “Why would Life of the Land and others oppose it?” The answer is, simply, climate change.
If further info is needed, I suggest reading Greta Thunberg or the United Nations’ climate reports.
The other questions ask, “How will we possibly survive without it?” For this I suggest looking at HECO’s commendable and consistent record of keeping the lights on, including these past many years, without Honua Ola.
I have one question in response: “How does one justify a new, unnecessary, 30-year commitment to cutting down and burning trees in the age of climate crisis?”
Those who need to hear the answer include our children and grandchildren.
Russell E. Ruderman
Weather and climate
Climate hysteria has overcome science and common sense. The claim that current weather events are more extreme today as a result of carbon emissions is easily refuted.
The recent cold weather in Texas is used as an example of this claim.
The temperature in Dallas reached minus-1 degree this year. The record low in Dallas is minus-10 degrees, set it 1899. This was before the age of automobiles.
The tri-state fire, also called The Big Burn, was much larger and more severe than any fire since 1910 when it burned through three states.
Fifty years ago, I was working at the Ash Creek Fire Station on the California-Oregon border. Ninety percent of our time was putting out lightning strikes to comply with the so-called “10 a.m. rule” passed in 1935. This activity stopped the natural clearing of our western forests and is responsible for the large fires today.
Taking care of the planet we live on is very important to me, but climate hysteria is a fool’s game.
Dan Knowlton
‘Virtues of giving’
It saddens and angers me when I read letters from regular contributors to this forum from those who would rather endlessly complain about conservatives than promoting selfless volunteerism and actual and provable deeds for country and community.
I espouse the virtues of giving and volunteering. Instead of praising politicians and bad-mouthing 50% of the population, I choose to do little things, such as paint large, free murals, volunteer for the Red Cross, be liberal with what I got for those who ain’t in my exact boat, and pick up trash along Wainaku, parks, etc.
See? Far more cooler in the eyes of the reader to be giving versus complaining about half the United States of America. What do you think?
Allen Russell