Let’s Talk Food: First food thoughts for a new year

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON Local tangerines and bananas.

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON Fruit and vegetables from OK Farms.

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON A plate lunch, which includes a green salad, from a local restaurant.

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON Vegetables in a one-dish bowl meal.

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON Vegetable wraps for snacks.

Courtesy of AUDREY WILSON Fruits, such as grapes, are great snacks or with a meal. One cup of grapes has only 62 calories; 176 mg of potassium; vitamins A, B-6, C and D; calcium; iron; and magnesium.

New Year’s resolutions are difficult, as we often say we will do it but by the end of January we have not fulfilled it and will probably forget about it. We need to make realistic ones that fit into our lifestyle and will not set us up for failure.