Homeowners told hurricane insurance won’t cover flooding from Lane

HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Mud is left at the door Friday from Hurricane Lane flooding Margaret Collins' Piihonua home Thursday night in Hilo.
HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Piihonua resident Margaret Almada Collins points out water damage due to Hurricane Lane in her flooded home Friday in Hilo.
HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Mud and debris are left in Collins' garage Friday from Hurricane Lane flooding the Piihonua home Thursday night in Hilo.

Mark Spain is a county firefighter, a can-do guy who responds to all types of emergencies. But Spain, whose Keaau Ag Lots home was flooded by torrential rainfall caused by Hurricane Lane said he feels “lost and helpless” after being told his hurricane insurance won’t cover the damage that caused him and his family to seek shelter in a friend’s vacation rental home.