‘Vote them out!’: Hundreds of thousands demand gun control

Participants in Saturday's March For Our Lives brave the Waimea rain to listen to speakers at Parker School. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Participants chant anti-gun slogans during the March for Our Lives Saturday in Waimea. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Supporters walk from Church Row to Parker School in the Waimea rain Saturday for the March For Our Lives. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Sign wavers line both sides of the street on Highway 11 from the Makaala Street intersection Saturday during Hilo's March for Our Lives rally against gun violence.
HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald Sign wavers line both side of the street on Highway 11 from the Makaala Street intersection Saturday during Hilo's March for Our Lives rally against gun violence.

WASHINGTON — In a historic groundswell of youth activism, hundreds of thousands of teenagers and their supporters rallied across the U.S. against gun violence Saturday, vowing to transform fear and grief into a “vote-them-out” movement and tougher laws against weapons and ammo.