Happy Father’s Day! This day is recognized once a year, and dads are special, so recognize those you consider your dad every day. Have a great day. Happy Father’s Day! This day is recognized once a year, and dads are
Happy Father’s Day! This day is recognized once a year, and dads are special, so recognize those you consider your dad every day. Have a great day.
The Office of Continuing Education and Training presents a new course, the Center of Agricultural Success. Working on the farm can pay! This course is comprised of classroom training and mentorship opportunities for aspiring or existing farmers in need of practical farming experience, and small business skills.
The course will support diversified small farm success through the Hawaii Island Farmer’s Guide to Accessing Local Markets.
This guide will provide marketing strategies and lessons from successful local farmers, buyers, grocers, and chefs. Students will receive a copy of the guide as a benefit of attending the course.
Students will also be introduced to many existing resources for small farms.
Areas of study will include: marketing, accounting, business plan development, soils, pest control, fertilizers, compost production, crop rotation, and irrigation.
The class is limited to 25 students. Call now to register! The dates are July 27 through Oct. 12, on Fridays from 5-9 p.m., and on some Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to noon.
This course is offered at NHERC (North Hawaii Education & Research Center) in Honokaa.
The cost is $99 for the 12 night classes and the selected Saturdays.
The actual tuition is $399, but the cost is being offset by funding assistance by the state Department of Labor.
To register, use course code: 123R016 and call the Office of Continuing Education and Training at 934-2700.
On Tuesday, coordinators held the first community forum concerning the “intermission” at Kahilu Theatre. The Kahilu Theatre board invited area residents to join the conversation about the planned temporary closure of the theater.
The Bank of Hawaii is now accepting applications for the 2012 Monty Richards Hawaii Island Community Award. Hawaii County nonprofit organizations are invited to submit applications by July 6.
The award is open to any nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization in Hawaii County, and provides one or more grants totaling up to $25,000.
Nominations may be made by the public or by the organizations themselves.
The award was established in 2008 in honor of Herbert “Monty” Montague Richards Jr., a dedicated Hawaii Island community leader and former longtime board director for Bank of Hawaii.
Award selection will be based on exemplary fulfillment of the organization’s mission, the leadership demonstrated by the organization’s executive director and board, and the organization’s engagement in one of these areas: community development, education, human services, and arts and culture.
Additional consideration will be given to organizations that also focus on community development through financial education programs.
Application forms are available at all Big Island Bank of Hawaii district branches, or by calling (808) 854-2029 or (808) 854-2021.
Nomination materials should be submitted to Bank of Hawaii, Attn: Monty Richards Award, P.O. Box 305, Hilo, HI 96721.
In 2011 the $25,000 award was divided among Bay Clinic, Inc. ($10,000), Family Support Hawaii ($10,000), and Kokua Christian Ministries ($5,000).
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announces the availability of grants through the Rural Business Opportunity Grant Program (RBOG) for Fiscal Year 2012.
Public bodies, nonprofit corporations, institutions of higher education, Indian tribes on federal or state reservations and other Federally Recognized Native American Tribes or tribal groups, and rural cooperatives may apply.
Approximately $1.2 million is unreserved and available on a competitive basis nationally. Applications are limited to $50,000 or less.
Your application must be received by Aug. 6, or it will not be considered for funding.
The primary objective of the program is to improve the economic conditions of rural areas.
Assistance provided to rural areas under this program includes the following: rural business incubato, technology-based economic development, feasibility studies and business plans, long-term business strategic planning and leadership, and entrepreneur training.
In addition, they are encouraging applications that will support regional economic development. See http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-06-07/pdf/2012-13835.pdf for further information or contact RD staff, Denise Oda, in West Hawaii at denise.oda@hi.usda.gov or 933-8323.
Or, call Timothy W. O’Connell, assistant to the state director of Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 154 Waianuenue Ave., Room 303 Hilo, HI 96720; call 933-8313 or 933-8326, or visit www.rurdev.usda.gov.
Carol Yurth’s column is published every Sunday and spotlights activities on the Hilo-Hamakua coast. She welcomes items for her column. Reach her by mail (46-1240 Kalehua Road, Honokaa HI 96727) at least 10 days before the requested publication date. Call her at 775-7101, or e-mail waiukahe@interpac.net.