Your Views for October 13

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Your Oct. 10 front-page article, “Defining use,” about developer Steve Shropshire’s plans for Hakalau Point, is an excellent example of unbalanced reporting.

Eighteen column inches were devoted to Shropshire’s plans, but not a word about the plans of the community groups who nominated the property for acquisition and protection by PONC.

Furthermore, writer Colin Stewart failed to mention:

1. The historic value of the property is more than just plantation-era history, but also includes the landing of Kamehameha I at Hakalau Point — a significant historic event.

2. The parcel right on the point is the site of an old cemetery that still might contain some remains that could be disturbed by construction.

3. The point has been identified as containing residues of arsenic — any disturbance of the soil during development could release it into the waters of the bay.

4. Shropshire wrote the PONC commissioners after they already voted on the parcel, informing them if the county wanted to buy the land, it also would have to purchase an adjoining 85-acre parcel or no deal. Nothing was mentioned about that earlier — and he had several months lead time to make that clear so it could be incorporated into the proposal.

The job of a newspaper is to provide the reading public with all the information it needs to take an informed position on any issue. Your article failed that test. I hope you will be more careful with your reporting in the future.

Rene Siracusa

President, Malama O Puna

What savings?

The energy co-op is making promises, should it become our energy provider.

The one promise it keeps making is lower rates. It wants to base its model on Kauai Island Utility Co-Op. Well, the current Kauai ratepayers pay a whole 1 cent less than we do per kilowatt-hour on the Big Island. Big deal there.

Bob Dukat
