Your Views for November 5

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Nice work, all

Nice work, all

The Hawaii Volcanoes Observatory staff are all doing an absolutely fantastic job each Thursday night at Pahoa High School as they take turns explaining what is going on with the lava flow.

Each week, we are treated with cutting-dge science, superb graphics and maps, clear, plain-language explanations with a little humor thrown in to drive home the points being made. Oh, and how patient they are about our repeated questions about the famous blue lines!

Their presentations are way better than anything on TV. One night, sitting next to my friend who is a Hilo High School science teacher who was carefully taking notes, we were joking about whether there would be an exam and maybe we’d get extra credit toward a degree.

So, mahalo nui loa to HVO, Civil Defense and our mayor for showing up each week to keep us informed and reassured about all the efforts being taken to keep us safe and our lives as normal as possible in this historic, stressful, exciting and uncertain time.

These dependably regular meetings are bringing our community closer together as we support each other, and it feels like all the organizations that show up around the cafeteria perimeter are enclosing us in one big hug.

A special thanks to Councilman Greggor Ilagan for his frequent email updates containing just the right amount of information, maps and photos (my mainland friends really appreciate these). And a “high five” to … HELCO for their experimental engineering feats!

Dorothy Malinski

Hawaiian Beaches

Not fair

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) has chose a two-rounds format for the girls volleyball Division I state championships. The first round, was held Oct. 30 and 31, at two separate locations, on two islands: Moanalua High, Oahu, and Kamehameha, Maui. The winners of the Maui and Oahu games are to be held … Nov. 6 and 7 on Oahu.

I need help understanding why or how this decision was made, because to me it puts additional undue stress on outer island teams trying their very best to compete on a state level.

A winning outer island school would have to pay twice the amount it cost them in previous years. … It’s the same ol’ story: The outer islands eat it.

Beckie Marshall
