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During the week of Dec. 2-8, Hawaii Island police arrested 16 motorists for DUI. Six of the drivers were involved in a traffic accident. One of the drivers was younger than 21.

The numbers of arrests by district were: Kona, eight; South Kohaa, four; Hilo, three; and Ka‘u, one.


So far this year, there have been 905 DUI arrests compared to 880 during the same period last year, an increase of 2.8%.

There have been 920 major collisions so far this year, compared to 792 during the same time last year, an increase of 16.2%.

To date, there have been 28 traffic fatalities, with one reclassified as suicide, one reclassified as a medical condition, two who died more than 30 days later and one not counted because the fatality didn’t occur on a public roadway. That compares to 15 fatalities — with one dying more than 30 days later and one reclassified as a medical condition — for the same time last year.

This represents an increase of 86.7% for fatalities.

DUI roadblocks and patrols will continue islandwide police said.