HCC leadership
No doubt everyone has been impacted by the pandemic that will continue well past 2021.
The ASUH Hawaii Community College student government has been remotely working to find new opportunities and challenges with this so-called “new normal.”
Unfortunately, real dialogue and simply performing as a unified team has been nearly an impossible task at Hawaii Community College.
Hawaii Community College Chancellor Ms. Rachel Solemsaas and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Ms. Dorinna Cortez have a continuing history of lack of leadership, experience, ethical standards and the inability to build a resilient community working together to make a better institution.
After nearly a year of stonewalling, gaslighting, mismanagement, censorship and consolidation of power by Ms. Solemsaas and Ms. Cortez, student government had no choice but initiate an online petition for their resignation.
Social distancing and the ongoing pandemic have made it quite difficult to express with students, staff and the community at large an urgent need for new quality leadership at Hawaii Community College.
Student government will continue to speak truth to power and work with the entire University of Hawaii system. We think Hawaii Community College is at the crossroads to create a community of trust where all members do not feel threatened or harassed.
We need to build a solid and unified ohana in these coming sea changes that is upon everyone of us to make our college a better and sustaining home for ourselves and our future keiki who will inherit what we have left them.
Helen Nishimoto
Student government president,
Associated Students of the University of Hawaii — Hawaii Community College
More police funding
People need to be appreciative to the police officers throughout our constitutional republic because law enforcement officials place their lives on the line every time they are on duty.
I want to personally thank every police officer on the Big Island for your professionalism in doing your best in protecting our community.
We need more police funding and more police in our communities.
James G. Borden