Volcano Watch: The 1919–1920 Mauna Iki eruption at Kilauea volcano

Photo courtesy of S. Rowland Mauna Iki, viewed toward the south from the Ka‘u Desert trail inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Note the very gentle profile, which mimics that of a standard Hawaiian shield volcano. The distinct dark flow is ‘a‘a, and its source is a slightly up-raised area of broken pahoehoe slabs. Lava must have moved within the shield and accumulated beneath the surface. By the time it broke out, it had cooled to the point that it could no longer flow as pahoehoe and instead formed ‘a‘a.

As many people have noted, the last global pandemic was raging one hundred years ago. Kilauea was erupting 100 years ago, although it was certainly not quite as significant of an event on the world stage.