The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Hilo Hawaii Stake will host a free genealogy conference with the theme of “turning the Hearts of the Children to Their Fathers” on Saturday, June 30. The Church of Jesus Christ
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Hilo Hawaii Stake will host a free genealogy conference with the theme of “turning the Hearts of the Children to Their Fathers” on Saturday, June 30.
Workshop topics will include the Hawaiian Royal Lineage; Online Genealogy Research and the Joy of Roots Magic. Two representatives from the Portuguese Society on Oahu will share their genealogy data base on the Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Spanish and Filipino research.
A talk-story workshop with two Hilo kupuna will focus on old Hilo town before the 1940 tidal wave and plantation life along Hamakua.
Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m., with the conference starting at 8:30 a.m. at 1373 Kilauea Ave., next to 7-Eleven. For information and to preregister, please contact the Hilo Family History Center at 935-0711 or email or
; the Manuia and Pea genealogy research will also be covered, along with Chinese genealogy and how a family was able to locate its Chinese lineage. There will be a workshop on how to plan a family reunion along with a workshop on genealogy resources available in Hawaii.
Displays will be offered by individual families to share their genealogy collections, and variouss genealogy charts will be on display.
“Stories that will be shared by people researching their roots will be exciting and worth listening to,” said spokeswoman Youline K. Kalima.